Not enough money Error in MT4 is the common error that traders get while executing their position while trading. It is a situation where a trade cannot get executed because there are not enough funds in his/her account to cover the required margin.
That means users have to load more money into their accounts to cover the margin of the trade.
4 Steps to Fix Not Enough Money in MT4
There are a few steps you can take to fix the “not enough money” error in MT4:

Step 1: Deposit more money into your account
The simple and straightforward solution to fix Not Enough Money in MT4 is by depositing the required fund to cover the required margin into your account. Increase your account balance and allow the trade to open it.
Step 2: Adjust the size of your trade
Sometimes the size of your trade may get high and the fund may not be enough to cover the whole margin. The solution to fix the not enough money error at this stage is by decreasing the number of lots you are trading or simply by using a smaller leverage ratio.
Step 3: Close existing trades
If you have open positions and that position is using a significant chunk of your fund then you may get not enough money. so fix it up by closing some trades that are taking a significant portion of your account balance. In this way, you can free up the necessary funds and also allow you to open the existing trades.
Step 4: Monitor your account balance and open positions carefully
To avoid making the “not enough money” mistake in the future, keep a close eye on your account balance and open positions.
Check that you have enough funds in your account to cover the required margin for any trades you want to open and adjust your trading strategy as necessary to avoid running out of money.
Not Enough Money in MT4
The “not enough money” error in the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform indicates that a trade cannot be executed because there are insufficient funds in the account to cover the required margin. Margin is the amount of money required to open a trade and keep it open until it is closed.

A trader must have enough money in their account to cover the required margin in order to open a trade. If there is insufficient money in the account, the trade cannot be executed, and the MT4 platform displays the “not enough money” error.
Traders can avoid this error by either depositing more money into their account or adjusting the size of their trade to reduce the required margin. It is also critical to keep a close eye on your account balance and open positions to ensure that you have enough funds to keep your trades running.
Example of Not Enough Money in MT4
Here’s an example of how the “not enough money” error in MT4 can occur:
Assume you are a trader with a $2,000 account balance and want to open a trade on the EUR/USD currency pair. This trade has a required margin of $100, which means the trader must have at least $100 in their account to open the trade.
The trader has enough funds in their account to cover the required margin in this case, and the trade can be executed.
However, if the trader wishes to open a larger trade with a required margin of $2,000, there will be insufficient funds in the account to cover the margin.
The MT4 platform will display the “not enough money” error in this case, and the trade will be unable to be executed. The trader can avoid making this mistake by depositing more money into their account or adjusting the size of their trade to reduce the required margin.
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At last, the not enough money error in MT4 indicates that there is not enough money to cover the required margin for the trade i.e. you have insufficient funds in the account. Therefore, the trade cannot be executed due to lack of funds.
Finally, to avoid this error, traders have to deposit more funds into their accounts and adjust the size of the trade and monitor their accounts with respect to their budget.